Embedded journalism


“Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.” Reading the quote of Henry Anatole Grunwald, I wholeheartedly admire the dedication of journalists embedded with soldiers in the battlefield.

Embedded journalism has a brave spirit of commitment as it reflects utmost dedication of a profession that is challenging in every aspect. The role of journalism in a society is elusive and remarkable as the power of pen is equivalent to the sword.

Recently, the Rixos Hotel in Libyan capital Tripoli witnessed retention of foreign journalists lodged there for the sake of reporting about the war. The hotel was surrounded by fighters loyal to the government who prevented the exit of journalists, which is unethical.

Considering the potential dangers of embedded journalism, which is crucial in live reporting of conflict, there has not been enough recognition and appreciation of those who have endangered their lives together with soldiers.

In embedded journalism, journalists get the opportunity to access war fronts freely along with soldiers. At times journalists fall at the hands of opposition fighters who make use of them as human shield.

However, those who are in the front are always restricted in reporting of actual scenarios due to the sensitivity of the situation. The acknowledgement to journalists’ tireless effort is barely brought in the limelight for due public appreciation and recognition.

