Seamless corruption


The media is replete with stories of corruption and mismanagement in the state-run institutions. Audit reports revealed massive corruption in Pakistan Railways, PIA and Pakistan Steel Mills etc. State-run departments like police, hospitals, customs, and passport offices are but a few places where grafting and greasing of palms go on unabated.

Recently, I happened to visit a public protectorate office to attach a protector (insurance) page with my passport. A Gulf-based employer company had issued a visa and sanctioned flight ticket, detailed minutely to the minute. The concerned officer needlessly asked me to get the documents ‘okayed’ from the issuing company once again. The company responded: all requisitions have already been done as required. But this was not enough for the said officer.

There was no option but to resort to a private predator ie, a travel agent. Private tour and travel agencies fleece handsomely those vying for greener pastures.

They charge over Rs 8,500, depending upon your urgency and size of pocket. I was robbed of Rs 2,000 in excess after availing myself a discount of Rs 300. Yes, there is a discount also.

Massive corruption has crept into every sphere of our lives. It cannot be said that raising salaries of employees will eliminate illegal, under-the-table dealings altogether. An independent social, political and economic audit system should be put in place.

