Oppressed women


The Pakistani society is one of a kind, where on one side it places women as the centre of attention and then on the other considers them no more than secondary citizens. For years, the role that a woman has been playing as a citizen, that of a member of the family or a homemaker, has been highly undermined and today it has turned into a tradition to degrade woman’s ability. However, over the years this scenario has changed and the awareness of her abilities, her rights and status has reached almost all parts of Pakistan.

Islam gives the best and the most balanced code of life, but pseudo-fundamentalists converted the teachings of Islam to read in the best interest of men and highly unjust towards women. Since the day she is born, she is identified through another person, a male. In fact, it may be considered quite uncomely for a woman to live with her own individuality. This then leads to situations where the woman has to kill all her feelings, desires and even her own thoughts to survive, as they put it “with honour”. The rural areas of the country witness instances where feudal lords have numerous wives, incorrectly using the logic of Islam that allows a man to have four wives. What they tend to ignore is that the marriages are allowed under specific circumstances: to widows, divorcees and so an.

