Traffic noise


For most people, the home is a place for rest and relaxation and where relief from stress and demands of everyday life is sought. It is therefore essential that the housing environment be designed as such.

However, many residents, particularly in urban areas, are exposed to high levels of road traffic noise in and around their homes. These noise levels far exceed what characterises a healthy and sustainable environment and may cause adverse health effects, such as sleep disturbances, general annoyance, speech interference, stress-related symptoms, and increased risk for hypertension and cardio-vascular disease.

All cars are now typically fitted with stereos and many new cars have stereos that can produce up to 110 decibels. This is louder than thunder and about as loud as a power saw.

However, some car owners go to great expense to ‘customise’ their car audio system to improve sound quality or make the stereo even louder. These modified cars are known as ‘boom’ cars after the distinctive very loud and low bass that they produce.

These very loud and expensive car stereos form part of a lifestyle; devotees enjoy ‘cruising’ around town and are very proud of their cars. A Swedish noise annoyance study identified motorcycle noise as by far the most annoying of noise from various vehicle types.

