Target of vandalism


As reported by the media, a 144-year-old London heritage store was put to torch by the vandals. The great loss caused to 1867 Croydon cannot be repaired. About the same time the news of 120 year old ‘Odeon cinema’ in Rawalpindi, being turned into a shopping plaza has dismayed heritage lovers.

The Croydon store was victim of vandalism, but Odeon cinema is being replaced into a shopping plaza by intent which could still be saved if given due consideration. If a silent review of our cities, towns and villages is done, it would reveal that many landmark places have vanished just because of commercial interests of those who are unmindful of their heritage.

Europeans have a great love for monumental sights, which they maintain properly as a source of earning, city attraction and education. It is interesting to visit such places if familiarised by someone as did a well-wisher of mine while I was in London some time back. He developed a taste for a particular brand of tea during his days in the former East Pakistan. I am indebted to him for introducing me to a London iconic symbol, ‘Fortnum & Mason’, and to buy for him some Darjeeling tea.

The store was established in 1707 by William Fortnum and Hugh Mason. It was founded as a grocery store which saw rapid growth throughout the Victorian era. Hugh Mason came to Mughal India during Emperor Aurangzeb’s reign, as goes history.

Although vandals are a serious threat to heritage sights, even greater is the confrontation between states. This can turn proxy battles into full-fledged direct wars among heavyweights in the volatile world. Thereupon, likely use of lethal weapons would obliterate heritage sights and the population altogether. But what consoles me is the great affection of people for heritage sights in the West, and that clout certainly would not let it happen. Will our government, elites and civil society come forward and assert themselves in order to save heritage sights from getting extinct. And the media must build opinion for corrective measures?

