Citizens’ plight


Scores of the citizens are being killed every day in Karachi. The gory scenes of bloodshed curdle our blood. Everyone is crying for mercy, yet there is no mercy in sight.

The hearts are bleeding and the city is burning, but our Nero is playing flute. His statements are unwelcome. The Prime Minister is urged to remove Malik or he should voluntarily resign from the position of interior minister. He has failed to seize the moment and bring about peace in the city. Citizen would be better off without him.

Criminals are in control and parading the city, killing, looting, burning the city. Our criminal justice system does not deliver. Criminals are bailed out by the lower judiciary. The police investigations are faulty and evidence is weak, thus the criminals get the benefit of doubt. The system needs to be revamped.

Our security system has also failed. Police and Rangers have not dealt effectively with the criminal elements. The blazing situation in Karachi must be dealt with iron hands.

Let the military tackle this situation. I am sure army would be able to restore the peace of the city. And thus ameliorate the citizens’ plight. The Sindh government should call the army to assist them without wasting further time. The whole nation is perturbed over the situation calls for an army action.

