Our prized land


Balochistan is the biggest province of Pakistan, almost over 40% of its land mass. In league with the evidence, for the first time Balochistan has come in the radars of western corporate media, the power brokers of the world. Why did this happen?

Quite obviously the province is rich in natural providence, uranium, copper, iron, gold, chromite, natural gas and the potential of richness as the 21st century reservoir of oil. The Great Game is about to enter its final phase, the indigo traders, East India Company and opium wars are about to be replayed through the concentric circles of history. Once again the local rulers are inept to grasp the seriousness of situation.

The recent visit of Mr Cameron Munter to Balochistan is a clear phase line in the current history of the region. Balochistan is mouth watering, it is east of Iran, south of Afghanistan and Central Asia, and a territory boasting three Arabian seaports along with the Strait of Hurmuz. In fact, it is a bastion looking over the complete outreach to Arabian Sea.

In the coming decades anyone controlling Balochistan will control the 80% of world oil. It is not a mere tall claim, it is pure mathematics in which the western corporate world and media is very good at. The proposals of IPI and TAPI pipe lines are pipe dreams without this landmass.

