Man and machine


This is the age of machines. Every activity of man has become mechanised. The daily routine of life is not only dependent upon machines but it is also guided by the machines. Machines help us to work, to increase production, to transport the goods from place to place, to do odd jobs for us and also make us live a better and comfortable life.

Mass-scale production of the goods has resulted in the unemployment of a large number of artisans. It is also responsible of competitive spirit which in turn has given rise to many other problems and malpractices. It is because of mass production that a huge amount of money is spent on publicity and the people are cheated of their hard earned money. Some of the countries because of over population indulge in malpractices, like hoarding goods, which are very dangerous for the economy. It leads to wastage of the national resources.

Total dependence upon machines is definitely harmful. It is not good to allow the machines to dominate man’s life. If man is to work with the help of machines and is to depend totally upon machines, it will not be possible for man to remain his normal self. Machines when they become masters crush the very spirit of man and ring an end to all good qualities of man as a creature of God.

Man has that moral sense which animals don’t have and machine makes man indifferent to all the higher things of life.




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