Chinese products


One can find a huge variety of Chinese products in the market. They can be electronics, decoration items, cosmetics, shoes, bags etc. Most of the products are less expensive than other imported products. They reflect the craftsmanship of the Chinese workers. They work on tiny embellishments and make their products appealing to the customer but the shopkeepers do not give the guarantee of these products because their service and repair centres do not exist in the country. If any of the products is damaged then the consumer has no choice than to throw it away.

Many people buy Chinese products because our local products are at a higher price whereas Chinese products are economical. This is affecting our local market too when people prefer Chinese products over them, their sale is reduced. Similarly, shops that sell low grade Chinese products lose their credibility and people avoid going to those places. Making things in bulk and exporting it to other countries is what China is doing but the underdeveloped countries receive the most inferior products due to low purchasing capability. When the focus is on quantity, the quality automatically gets affected.

The Chinese government has to feed the world’s largest population and Chinese people are no doubt very hard working but poverty exists there too. Hence to earn their living they make and sell products on low rates but then the quality is not ensured.

