“The man known by few”


This is apropos the letter by Shamsher Ali eulogising the services of late General Akhtar Abdur Rehman, former head of ISI, who served tin pot military dictator Zia-ul-Haq. He may have played a role in destroying USSR, a war funded by USA to revenge their defeat in Vietnam.

If anybody has any doubt watch the movie Charlie Wilson’s War. This war has certainly contributed to collapse of Soviet Union, but it also facilitated the emergence of USA as the sole super power of our days. Just look at the damage done to this country courtesy the role of Zia-ul-Haq and his companions like Akhtar Abdur Rehman.

While both the late generals went from rags to riches because of this war, Pakistan ended up with the curse of Kalashnikov culture, ethnicity, sectarian division and becoming a sanctuary of the world’s fanatic religious extremists. The ISI under Rehman gave birth to many ethnic, sectarian and regional parties to weaken major political parties popular in all federating units. Hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis have died because of the fallout of our involvement in this so-called war of liberation from the USSR, only to end with the occupation of Afghanistan by the US.

Drones have killed thousands in tribal belt, while Karachi, once a city of peace and tranquillity has been reduced to the most dangerous city in Asia. Waziristan, whose sons once fought to defend Pakistan by joining Wazir Scouts, is today facing an insurgency. Similarly, Balochistan is in turmoil with an insurgency aided from across the border.

Men like Gen Zia-ul-Haq, Gen Akhtar Abdur Rehman etc served only themselves and have done immense damage to Pakistan. The late general’s scions have become billionaires and own scores of sugar mills, but Pakistan suffers for the sins of its corrupt military adventurers.




  1. Men like Zia, Akhtar Abdur Rehman, Musharraf, Chisty, Mahmood, Zaraar etc have done this country a lot of harm. All of them have one thing in common, they were all very corrupt and made billions. People of pakistan are paying for their sins with their blood. They were all traitors to this country and have violated the constitution.

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