Useless practice


Once, in 1986, I read in a local newspaper that there was no light in Kabul city. I wondered how the people were surviving there. Ironically, after 25 years, we are experiencing the same dose. Now there is no blackout in Kabul and while here in Pakistan, only blackouts. This is called management.

Like every corrupt department, Wapda too has become a white elephant. Its employees are enjoying maximum perks of thousands of free units or ‘direct connections’ to operate half a dozen ACs in their houses. Of course, there is no accountability for Wapda employees. They do not even answer the phone calls made by the affectees of an actual power breakdown. To cover the useless space on Wapda bills, too many phone numbers are printed to fool the public. But when anybody calls, they are always busy. This practice is very common in R A Bazar Sub-Division, Lahore Cantt. Nobody attends these phone numbers even though they are provided to facilitate the public: 042-37067474, 042-99238067, 0345-4951541 (SDO) and 0345-4951540 (XEN). My humble request is; remove these numbers from Wapda bills and use this space for some kind of advertisement to feed the white elephant.

