A revolution within


Do we need a revolution? What do we do to change things and set everything right? These are indeed some stimulating thoughts. Unfortunately, we all have become inherently corrupt or at least more than 90 % of us. The ranger who shot that kid is not alone; there are millions of people out there who would do things that are equally criminal.

We find ourselves generally frustrated with all that is wrong in our society, but somehow we are only against the wrongs of others and have justified our own wrongs. God forbid if all essentials of a revolution are fulfilled, there still won’t be a revolution, only chaos where everyone is killing others. The solution is verily to begin with “I”. When we will have completely corrected ourselves, it wouldn’t matter if we make a difference or not, we will at least be at peace with ourselves. As for Pakistan, no movement or protest is ever going to set things right, it will only replace existing wrong doers with new ones. We need to let go of judging and criticising everyone else, and focus on ourselves and our wrongs and correct them.





  1. So true. we have to start from "I". some points to consider

    1.we as a nations are cowards. cowards to bring change in our daily routine. we have grown accustomed to little cheating ourselves and donot consider it as wrong.
    2. we all agree that our nation can be changed for better by changing ourselves first. stop breaking rules even if no one is looking. stop at traffic lights, donot go wrong way, donot give 50, or 100 rs if u break a law to the police, dont bribe to get ur work done first and so on so forth. we all know the virtues.
    3. a revoltuion like the one in egpyt is no good for pakistan as we donot have sincere alternative who shall replace the current rulers.

    This means all we have to do is start by correcting ourselves first then ourfamily then our neighbours and relatives. it will be difficult you will be mocked at and made fun of. we have to take a bold step to stay here and make it better. inshallah time will change.

  2. The change will come only when people dont have the option to go abroad or settle down in other country. The peoples who have the potential to bring the change are going abroad. The poor man earning around 10k Rupees cannot bring the change….
    Also change is not started from "I" …These are just bookish things and not practically implemented. Example….If i want to do any contruction business and i dont want to pay any bribe so can i do business…No!!!…
    So it means that to bring the change the common man should enter into this corrput system and reach the position where all the policy makers are sitting and then bring the change…..Change is not Traffic Rules follow , Clean the city etc….These all things are good in 2nd step. The first step is to change the leader and bring new policitcal system or new ppl …..For that we must forget who we are like Mohajir,Sindhi, Punjabi etc…….Before selecting any party must make a checklist and then see what party has done what in past. …When selecting any party dont thing about your self that if that party wins then i have this advantage ….Just think about Pakistan…..

  3. Also In Egypt, Libya there is no revolution….These all things are planned by third force…..Revolution is the one came in Iran……In Pak i think it is impossible that any one bring any revolution becasue here nation is divided into differrent castes…In egypt or in Libya all ppl have same language but here we have different languages….
    If really you people are serious then make your political party or attach with some other party where you can play some major role….But i think to make a new party is difficulat thing but perfect solution…..

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