The Reko Diq reserves


Reko Diq is a small town in Chagai district, Balochistan where world’s fifth largest gold and copper reserves are found. It is embarrassing that most of the people of Pakistan are unaware of the worth of this natural resource. These are world class deposits and rough estimates suggest that the gold and copper found at the surface accounts for $65 billion worth of deposits. According to media reports, this deposit was sold to foreign controlled managements by the Pakistani Government under Mr Musharraf at a price of only $21 billion.
The Reko Diq deposit is being explored by Tethyan Copper Company (Pvt) Ltd (75%) and the (BDA) Baluchistan Development Authority (only 25%). Tethyan Copper Company is held jointly (50:50) by Barrick Gold Corporation and Antofagasta Minerals. Press releases of Barrick Corporation clearly showed that our government had made an agreement. The information must be spread to ensure that everyone knows the truth. Pakistan has got such huge amounts of mineral resources that couldn’t be imagined before. But the exploitation of the reserves is a matter of concern. Our administration could have settled the debt on Pakistani nation by making a better deal. This issue must be promoted in order to make people aware of the reality and stop the wastage of our reserves.