Sindh PCS officers


I would like to draw the attention of concerned authorities towards the long pending issue of offer letters to the PCS officers of Sindh.
The Combined Competitive Exam was announced back in 2008 and exams were held in April 2009, the result was announced in April 2010 and interviews conducted from June 2010 to August 2010, while the final result of qualifiers was announced in Jan 2011. But the fate of the qualifiers’ offer letters is hanging in balance till yet.
It is said that summary is laying on the table of Honourable Chief Minister for his signature and the process is in limbo since then. However, BPS 16 candidates through the said exam have obtained offer letters through their respective departments but BPS 17 candidates are waiting for their turn through Chief Minister.
Candidates who had taken the CSS exam back in 2008 are near the completion of their probation but the candidates who took PCS CCE 2008 are yet waiting for their offer letters.
It is requested to the CM Sindh to expedite the signature process so that the deserving candidates should get their due right even if they are already late.


  1. IT is an irony that the executive cadre officers of Sindh are made to suffer by delaying their selection process. whereas the political appointees are appointed without fulfilling any criterion. what a pity

    • in pcs 2008 one of the candidate has taken 248.5o out out of 250 .do u think that pcs 08 viva is based on merit?

      • PCS 2008 result is thoroughly based on merit . If we look at the list of the successful candidates we will come to know that not a single person , who belongs to any influential section having the political and bureaucratic background , has been selected in the exam even the son of the late chairman , a son and a daughter of the two members of the viva committee could not qualify the exam . And it is due to said factor that government is not taking any interest in dispatching the offer letters to the successful candidates for thay dont have any person that matters for them .

        • Dear Jakhrani you are absolutely right in stating the facts. The criterion of merit was duly met by the then Chairman in selecting the most deserving candidates for the right positions. But what a pity that after passing of more than five months the candidates are still waiting for their hard earned positions due to the callousness of the authorities in not issuing them the offer letters.

  2. Such haughty attitude from the corridors of power in Sindh is an abysmal example of vested interests. The candidates qualified PMS 2008 exam in Sindh truly deserve accolades, their sheer talent must be exploited to hone the rough edges of administrative set up in Sindh rather than daunting their wining spirit. It is requested to the Honorable Chief Minister to look into this matter immediately and without further ado, offer letters if not yet, must be issued as hard earned honor ought to be respected and taken great care.

    Faisal Khan, CSP

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