Beggars at traffic signals


With the immense increase in the number of vehicles, the driving has become an awful sport. The roads can’t bear such heavy traffic and the signals at every short distance make driving even more painful. Along with all these miseries, the presence of variety of beggars at every signal adds fuel to fire.
In Pakistan, it has become an organised profession. Almost at every step you are greeted by a beggar. They gather around you in bazaars, trains and also near the places of worship.
We see women carrying young babies and young girls begging with a variety of appeals.
Unfortunately, in our country giving alms is believed a part of religion. The most painful thing is that most of these beggars are able bodied. They can do manual labour, if they so desire.
The need of the hour is to check the traffic of such beggars. Healthy beggars should be made to work. The disabled, the crippled and the blind beggars, however, should be maintained at state expense. And save commuters from such nuisance.