How unfortunate!


On May 2, this unfortunate nation’s sovereignty was violated, its intelligence agencies’ credibility damaged and our capability to defend ourselves against external threats stood dented, but our Defence Minister was nowhere to be seen. After all what purpose does the minister serve his assigned portfolio, if he was not available within the country to attend the joint session of our parliament, which was announced with enough time period to ensure presence of the concerned minister, had he felt the urgency and sensitivity of the crisis that gripped Pakistan and especially his ministry.
Either the gentleman should have his priorities set right, or quit and let somebody else handle this very important assignment. Under his watch PIA, the national airline has gone from bad to worse, with losses sky rocketing to an all time high and scams such as the Umrah passengers being fleeced by the corruption nexus going unaccounted for. As if reports of pilferages in procurement and revenue were not enough comes news that its paid executives are reported to be involved in merry making and boozing at such leisure that the video is available on Youtube. In another incident another senior executive was reported to sexually harass a stewardess on board a domestic flight while intoxicated and let off on the reported blood test which was carried out almost 14 hours after the incident, so as to help him evade any disciplinary action.
It is time our ministers and the PM follow rules and ethics so that our elected government has the moral high ground to exert civilian supremacy over the armed forces. This can only happen if there is writ of law and rules are followed. Discipline and accountability can only be enforced if it starts from the top.