To what end?


A news item that is currently heading every front page of our newspapers is that PPP has decided to reopen Zulfikar Ali Bhuttos case. With Babar Awans legal back on the proceeding, it has become a tip tongue gossip of every channel.

Indeed a fine step taken by our government. Just one question: Can somebody please elaborate what sort of benefits a poor deprived person is going to get with this proceeding?

A person dying of hunger, or an unemployed graduate, or a meagre man who is unable to afford his home expenses is not concerned with Bhuttos case.

His major apprehension would be get back home food for his hungry children, his concern would be to support his family, and his alarm would be to survive in this high inflation within his limited pay.

With poverty rate increasing every day and people committing suicides, do we expect a common man is going to worry over whats happening with the Bhutto reference or is Dr Babar Awan the same person who distributed sweets on Bhuttos execution?

Our leaders should stop making fool of us. They should know that people are not that unaware now. They should be aware of the fact that what people need is food, clothing and shelter as they were being promised, not merely justice related to Bhuttos execution. Give priority to the priorities of those who gave you what you have now.




  1. This might look unimportant to you but not to a big majority. Of Pakistanis. It doesn’t concern food but it does concern justice. But that’s not important. Right?

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