On the drone attacks


We have been hearing of the drone attacks by the American forces fighting the war on terror in Afghanistan and in our northern areas since 2004. The frequency of attacks has been increasing with the passage of time, the maximum being in 2010 during which 957 persons became the victims of such attacks. A delegation from Pakistan including our DG ISI did go to America to discuss this matter but it was perhaps more of an eyewash. The day DG ISI came back, the very next day another drone killed 6 innocent people. Ever since the present government took over, they have been protesting the drone attacks and telling the US that these are counter productive. But it seems these protests and statements are manufactured for public consumption. On the other hand, Defence Secretary of the US government has clearly stated that they have the tacit approval of the Pakistan government for drone attacks on militants. The WikiLeaks have also revealed that our PM has told the US government that they can continue with the drone attacks.

What is the deal or understanding between the US government and our government on drone attacks? It must be told to the public in clear by our PM and make a policy statement as he did in Raymond Davis release case. If the government condemns drone attacks and has asked the US government to stop them immediately, then we should shoot down any drone taking off to fire missiles on innocent people.

The government should give a final warning to the US government and order the PAF to shoot down any drone taking off without our knowledge or sharing intelligence about the militants with Pakistan intelligence agencies. This is now a test case for the government. It will show whether they are bluffing about the understanding with the US government on drone attacks or not.

