Adulterated milk


This is apropos the news report titled Consumers pay Rs 150 bn for adulterated milk which appeared in Pakistan Today on 8 April, 2011. I would like to convey my utter disgust in learning that over Rs 150 bn a year is being extorted by milkmen through the sale of adulterated milk. It has long been known that gowallas mix water with milk, but these bleak statistics only make their despicable behaviour even more atrocious.

Even though it accounts for only four percent of the annual production of milk, I cant help but think that packaged milk is not only a better option, but is the only option that we have. Milk is a vital ingredient of our daily diet, we have it in breakfast with cereal, we consume copious amounts of it in tea and coffee; it plays a vital role in the growth and nourishment of all members of our families. Is it more expensive than the milk sold otherwise? I do not think so. With packaged milk you can be certain of paying for a pure, high quality product devoid of any contaminants. When it comes to the health and safety of my loved ones, I know I will always opt for packaged milk 100 percent of the time.




  1. And adulteration killed many people….it has come in observation that many people are dying unnatural death… its only becoz of adulteration….

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