Some hard facts


The public in general and intelligentsia in particular are really wary of the present government. Every one feels that there is no government and the rulers are just passing time to complete their tenure of five years.

Every day, one hears a new scandal and a wrong step taken by the government. The government on the other hand is bent upon to take wrong decisions in appointing known corrupt people on key posts without seeing the merit, awarding contracts to their favourites even if they are black listed, parrying the Supreme Court decisions and wasting time on non-issues.

In every TV talk show, the PPP spokes persons defend all the wrongdoings of the government and only recount the sacrifices of their leaders, especially of the late ZA Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto.

The rulers should start mending their ways and implement policies of good governance, social justice, fair play, merit and equality. They should rule the nation through their hearts and keep a hand on their pulse.

