Picking the wrong battles


Punjab Chief Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif has threatened to launch a long march against drone attacks that have killed hundreds of innocent people. He urged the nation to get united for the purpose.

He, somehow, does not understand that it is not only the drone attacks which are killing innocent people but hundred of people are being killed by the Pakistani militants who want to enforce their version of Islam in Pakistan. They are now attacking shrines of sufis in the country. They are targeting the tradition of sufi mysticism.

These fundamentalist militants are preaching a radical and bloody streak of Islam and are threatening the very existence of the country.

The Chief Minister of Punjab should take a determined stand against them to wipe them out from the province of Punjab, and the country, instead of leading the long march. He should also concentrate on the problems faced by the people such as poverty, unemployment, health care, drinking water and ensure availability of items of daily use at affordable rates. He should launch project to develop the rural areas of Punjab.

Instead of spending all his time in his posh office in Lahore, he should visit every district of the Punjab to know the plight of the people. He should fulfil his promise of reforming the police force and changing the thana culture.

