April Fool’s Day


We live in an Islamic society but I dont know why we are adopting the western culture, instead of spreading our religion and culture. Instead of working hard for the betterment and development of our country, our youth is adopting western culture and celebrating it.

April Fools Day is one such celebration. Our society does not know the history of this day. In the 16th century in France the New Year started on 1st April. They celebrated this event in their own style. In 1564, Pope Bergory introduced new Jewish calendar in which New Year started on 1st January. In 1564, the King of France announced and ordered to start New Year on 1st January. Few people didnt know about this announcement and celebrated it on 1st April according to their old tradition. The people who were aware of this change made fun of them and called them April Fools.

It should be banned in our country as with their lies and silly jokes, people are playing with others lives.




  1. My Goodness, take it easy. Why don't you spread the religion – seeing as how you have already converted millions of people, NOT – before criticising other people just having a bit of fun.

    And if you are so anti western, whey don't you stop writing in English since that too is a western language?

    • it is ok. it is a free county let people express. but you are right.
      to the column writer: why are you writing in ENglish if you hate the western style. People are not doing anything in that country, no one cares; even police officers are corrupted there. let others enjoy what they like, and let's not criticise though but i do respect ur openion.

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