Safety concerns


As the crisis in Japan unfolds, we are well aware that it could happen elsewhere too. Nuclear power provides about 6% of the world’s energy and 1314 percent of the world’s electricity with the US, France, and Japan together accounting for about 50% of nuclear generated electricity. Also, more than 150 naval vessels using nuclear propulsion have been built.

I have several concerns about obvious errors in the design of the nuclear plants in Japan and other locations.

First, if the purpose of these plants is to produce electricity, why use power from the vulnerable grid instead of using the power produced in the plant to operate its vital functions.

Second, if there are to be emergency backup generators, why locate them in possible harms way? Wouldn’t it make sense to place the generators a few miles away from the plant and wire them to the plant?

Also, if steam is the primary source of power to produce the electricity, why not also use steam turbines to power the critical cooling pumps.

We must learn from this experience and make sure that the safety of nuclear plants is ensured. Pakistan also has nuclear energy plants and this is the best time to review their safety arrangements.

Awareness about these issues needs to be spread so people can make an effort at the individual level.

