Raymond released-II


At last, the dramatic release of Raymond Davis took place. The whole Pakistani nation was expecting the justice from the courts but this sudden turn has left many wondering what happened behind the scenes. It is also a mockery that no political or judicial authority is accepting the responsibility of this episode. The way the justice was dispensed is really shocking. Protests are not allowed to agitate on this traumatic drama.

After passage of some time, somebody will reveal to this nation that the US was threatening an attack on Pakistan and that that attack could have sent us back in the ‘Stone Age’. The role of Islamic countries is also a matter of grave concern. Every time these countries request or threaten Pakistan and its rulers for their vested interests, they never care about our dignity and sovereignty. The families of murdered Faizan and Faheem are restrained to talk to media. I fear that like every past incident, it would also be brushed under the carpet.

