It’s PPP-MQM, again


A private TV channel reporter from Karachi the other day gave tough time to the otherwise tricky and eloquent Abbas Haider Rizvi, the MQM MNA. Mr Rizvi did not feel easy with the anchor.

He could not answer the repeatedly asked question as to why the MQM never raised hue and cry over the huge corruption and bad-governance except for public-appeasing statements over the rise in oil prices, which proved to be just a hoax. The MQM parted ways with the government a number of times and rejoined on the back-door manoeuvring by the PPP. On Tuesday, March 15, it once again came back from the brink after President Zardari banned the bone of contention, the Liyari Aman Committee.

Altaf Husains desire to bring a revolution is a little too far-fetched. Since last few years he is trying to build upon different popular themes, most of the times his themes are so divergent that these end up without making any difference on general public. Political parties have layers of leadership, but MQM does not have anything beyond the veneer.

This type of behaviour is highly undemocratic, how a leader of a political party can give such a non-political statement. Once the army did not act on his advices he started calling army and its generals as the faux-pas of all ills. Blackmailing in politics is not a good thing, but blackmailing the innocent people on the basis of rhetoric is not leadership.

