Media and the youth


Mass media holds a kind of mystique in the minds of the people. It is because the communication is designed in such a way that it appeals to a larger demographic segment. The test of a good mass communication marketing drive is to see if it gets the people talking. If it does, then not only does it mean that the advertising drive has been successful, but the organisation in charge of the mass communication is also getting publicity by the word-of-mouth channel.

It is hard to argue the fact that mass media has a compelling effect on the human mind. Especially on minds which are more impressionable. For example, the mass media influence on children is understandably higher than it is in adults. So how exactly does mass media influence us?

There is a need amongst the youth to be accepted as a part of a group, to be popular, to have friends and relationships with people of the opposite sex. Mass media experts understand this need of the people and hence they come out with advertisements on TV, or in the newspapers, or on websites on how people can be more popular using a certain product.

Most advertisements you see are aimed at the youth generally talk about the ‘cool quotient’ of the product and how it is going to be the next ‘in-thing’. And if you want to stay ahead of the game, it is absolutely vital that you procure it. The visual effect, seeing the things happen in front of you and the slice-of-life effect makes them look a lot believable than they should be.

So how should the mass media be used with the youth? Mass media, effective as it is, can be used on the youth to drive home pressing concerns in the country. Child obesity, the dangers of alcohol and preteen sexual relations, importance of exercise and fitness etc.

If these things can be done, the mass media will be able to influence the youth for the better and send better messages for the development of the youth than what it is sending today.

Mass media can yet be used constructively to teach the youth about the importance of insurance, financial education and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

