Spooks all around?


After the Raymond Davis fiasco last month, one more alleged US consulate employee (Aaron Mark) has been exposed in Islamabad. Apart from that, another employee of the US embassy, a man named Carlos, ran over a motorcyclist in Blue Area of Islamabad. The motorcyclist had his hand broken and his wife also sustained injuries whereas his children fortunately did not. All of these three culprits were apprehended and arrested in different cities. This state of affairs shows that CIA agents are spreading all over Pakistan and that there presence and pervasiveness is increasing.

It seems that opportunity is knocking at the door of Pakistan as a series of alleged US consulate employees evil deeds are being exposed. After the Davis arrest, this network of espionage has been brought to the fore and is a very worrisome aspect. Indeed, these networks are a part of diplomatic relations between most countries but this does not imply that the issue and the concerns associated with it should not be looked into.

The US congress stated that USA would break diplomatic relationships with Pakistan and Pakistan would not be aided if Davis was not be released. This comes in a series of attempts at pressurisation of the Pakistan government. But as they say, barking dogs seldom bite. This arm-twisting by the US is empty threat-making as it needs the assistance of Pakistan in Afghanistan. Hence, the government should reject pressure from the US and protect our national interests.

