Media and responsibility


The media of any country is the reflection of its society. It depicts how people behave and live in their country. The way of news is presented and packaged; the way politicians partake in political debates and discussion on talk shows etc, this is all reflective of the behavior of the people of that country.

The mass media often sets the agenda for political campaigns, influencing public attitudes towards desired issues. The media is now easily accessible by all walks of people through various electronic appliances i.e. TV, Radio, Internet, News Papers and now mobile phones are also being used by people to be aware of events occurring around them.

The media affects people’s perceptions and priorities their thinking about political content. Media shapes the public’s behavior about the issues and plays vital role in highlighting certain attributes of issues. Gatekeepers of the media i.e. (editors, news editors, and other journalists) play a central role in shaping the media agenda which becomes public agenda after sometime. This puts a great burden of responsibility on the media which it should exercise with caution and conscience.

In the current turbulent times of Pakistan, the media can have a very positive affect on the political landscape of Pakistan if it so desires. The media in Pakistan has the power; it is time it shouldered the responsibility of that power too.

