Saudi interference


Different media reports say that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is becoming active to play a mediating role between the governments of Pakistan and United States in getting Raymond Davis released. Saudi Arabia had earlier interfered when Nawaz Sharif’s government was overthrown by General Pervez Musharraf.

The way Nawaz Sharif was whisked away in a special plane sent by Saudi King in the middle of the night was a sad day in the history of Pakistan. Whether Nawaz Sharif was guilty or not is a different debate altogether but the way our judiciary was bypassed by our so called brotherly Islamic country was not a good precedent.

If Saudi Arabia has its oil business interests, they can enter into any sort of agreements with its western allies but interfering in Pakistan’s internal and external policies must now stop. It is now crystal clear that Raymond Davis is an undercover CIA agent. His importance can be judged by the statement of American President Barack Obama who lied to the entire world by calling Raymond Davis a diplomat of United States with blanket immunity.

It is high time we convey to our “brotherly” Islamic country Saudi Arabia to leave us alone on the matter of Raymond Davis and let Pakistan’s judiciary decide the fate of Raymond Davis on the merit of the case.

