Mega dams or mega scams?


Each day we are hearing of mega scams being unleashed on the unsuspecting public with the foot dragging of government in following the orders of the Supreme Court. The Prime Minister declared on the assembly floor that he would accept the judgments of Supreme Court but has not implemented such orders as the removal of DG FIA within three days.

Endless stories of mega scams are circulating but there is no effort being made to build mega dams like Kalabagh dam while repeated dates are announced for ground breaking ceremonies of Bhasha dam. The best available site of Kalabagh dam for which detailed feasibility studies had been completed decades ago is kept on the backburner while India goes ahead to build 190 dams on the Western rivers assigned to Pakistan as per Indus Basin Treaty. Do we need mega dams or mega scams for our survival is a question to be answered by all the people of Pakistan.

