Over 37m votes under scrutiny


ISLAMABAD – The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has pointed out discrepancies in more than 37 million votes registered with the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP). These votes were registered in 2007 electoral rolls. “Electoral rolls carrying 81.2 million votes that were registered in 2007 were sent to NADRA for verification, and out these, NADRA cleared only 42 million votes,” said the Election Commission secretary, Ishtiak Ahmed.
He said that preparation of accurate computerised electoral rolls had been a constant demand by all political parties, civil society and the people. “A large number of complaints from across the country have been pouring in regarding multiple and bogus entries and it was imperative to devise a foolproof system to overcome the serious challenge,” he said. He said ECP teams would go from door to door during June and July to prepare rolls and the preparation of error-free electoral rolls would be complete by the end of current year.