The SOS call


Altaf Hussain has called upon the patriotic generals to save the country. He specifically mentioned ‘patriotic generals’ as if there were also unpatriotic generals. While Pir Pagara claims to be a GHQ man, Altaf Hussain and his party is considered by many as establishment’s B team. Frankly, Mr Pagara may be a liability for the GHQ for shooting his mouth too often and too bluntly, Altaf Hussain is not. When was it last that the MQM was not in power? And when was it when the MQM did not have the ministry of ports and shipping, which is a goose that lays the golden eggs round the year, in its lap? Not as long as the memory goes.

Why does he invite the army to save the country from time to time? Is there single precedent of a leader, living thousands of miles away from his country and politicking back home? Altaf Hussain does it.


Oslo, Norway