A ticking bomb


The Davis Case has locked up USA and Pakistan in a diplomatic row. The incident has thrown overboard all rules framed by USA on terrorism and abetment to terrorism after 9/11. Ironically rules on terrorism applied on the Muslims are not applicable to USA, western world, Israel and India.

Davis is a confirmed CIA agent and is on a special mission to harm Pakistan. He had served in Special Forces for ten years after which he opened a security company at Las Vegas Nevada with fake addresses. He was sent to Pakistan as a security contractor under the aegis of Blackwater in 2007 and was attached with US Consulate in Peshawar. During his two years stay he developed contacts in North and South Waziristan and made frequent trips.

State terrorism by USA, Israel and India and their uncanny fondness for secret wars are not covered under punishable acts of terrorism. Drone attacks enjoy immunity and so does Raymond Davis like killers who are behind most terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Reportedly Davis was the chief coordinator and intelligence provider for drone attacks. This is evident from the fact that after the last drone attack in North Waziristan on 23 January, the next one took place on 21 February. Davis arrest had disturbed the whole network and it took CIA one month to reassemble the network under another Davis.

