Time to realise now


American interference in other nations affairs is not the story of today or near past. It finds its roots in the philosophy of Leo Strauss, an American professor of political philosophy, who found western liberalism as corrosive to morality and society. Leo Strauss termed life in US as life where nothing is true and everything is permitted. During 1960s a group of defunct western liberal political philosophers waged a campaign against the decaying American society, which according to them, is a severe case of selfish individualism, where word freedom is the most misused entity.

The negative aspect of this American nationalism for the rest of the world is a concept based on an illusion regarding greatness of American society, which rest of the world must learn and apply to them for their betterment. This self created concept of social and cultural supremacy has prompted the USA to fiddle with other societies through media, rulers and invasions. The same sequence was observed in Afghanistan, Iraq and now the Egypt. Failures in Iraq and Afghanistan are imminent, which is now resulting in a blame game especially in the case of Pakistan in shape of Af-Pak policy. On the other hand, so called revolution in Egypt may increase problems for America manifolds. I would like to put some words in the case of Raymond Davis. This case has all the potentials to set a final tone for the US backing for the people of Pakistan. The sufferings of Pakistani people in the wake of war on terror, with worst governance in the history of Pakistan, we need to be more patient in this regard.

