Our royal guest!


Raymond Davis is a name which almost every Pakistani knows by now as a killer of two young Pakistani boys( Faheem and Faizan) and causing death to another Pakistani youth(Ibadur Rehaman) and widow of Faheem(Shumaila). After shooting dead the two youths which he claimed was in self-defence tried to run away instead of reporting the matter to the police on the spot. He was chased by the police and finally was apprehended near Anarkali.

However, the rescue Land Cruiser which came on his call after crushing Ibadur Rehaman managed to escape to the US Consulate; a clear case of Hit and Run or Kill and Run in both cases. So the question of self-defence does not arise in any case. Both Raymond and the driver of the Land Cruiser have committed crimes of very grave nature. The US Consulate has refused to hand over the driver and vehicle to the investigating police. On the contrary, the US Embassy and their government are pressurising the Pakistan government to free their citizen Raymond Davis. Firstly, he is not shown as a diplomat in the list maintained by our ministry of foreign affairs, secondly the US government should allow the legal process as the case is already in the Pakistani courts. They must respect and assist Pakistani courts rather than interfering.

He gets special menu from the US Consulate four times a day. He is not a royal guest in the State Guest House but is a criminal and should be treated as such. He should wear handcuffs and shackles while in custody as the Jail Manual written by the British laid down. The public fails to understand this special VVIP treatment to this murderer when they compare it with the treatment the American government meted out to Dr Afia Siddiqui. She was tortured in their custody. A highly qualified neuro-surgeon was not given any special class or treatment in jail and she did not kill any American but their courts awarded her 86 years in jail.

