Another Kashmir Day passes


Since 1991, Pakistanis and Kashmiris from around the world observe the 5th of February as a day to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir, who have been the victims of the worst Indian state terrorism for struggling and rendering unparalleled sacrifices to achieve their birth right: the right to self-determination for the past six decades. There are several reasons why Pakistan and its people express solidarity with Kashmir. The most striking is the strong cultural, religious and geographical bond which for centuries has tied the people of both areas into one unity. Moreover, the people of Pakistan rightly feel that Kashmir is the unfinished business of the partition of the subcontinent.

The dispute is unresolved since the past 60 years after the Indian refusal to allow plebiscite in Kashmir in order to facilitate Kashmiris to decide their fate according to the UN resolutions which were adopted to resolve conflict between India and Pakistan on Kashmir issue. The successive Indian government not only refused to hold plebiscite but continued rhetoric of Kashmir.

So many years have passed yet no step has been taken. India claims to be the world largest democracy. India’s first Prime Minister said that India would hold an election in Kashmir to determine which nation the people of Kashmir wanted to join. Judging by India’s recent brutalities we shouldn’t expect elections in Kashmir in the near future. India has used force to keep it a part of its federation. India should let them decide, let them have a voice in its democracy and let them vote.

The observance of the Kashmir Solidarity Day is thus an unambiguous manifestation of Pakistans commitment to Kashmir. This day is an acknowledgement of Kashmiri peoples struggle for justice, peace, truth, and fundamental human rights.

