Impact of media


In the last 50 years, media influence has grown exponentially with time. First there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet.

The media boom has also brought a revolutionary change in the morals and ethics of society. But a moral change in a society can sometimes prove itself to be an insincere change fraught with social evils.

The media has a huge impact on society and also on public opinion. They can shape the public opinion in different ways depending on what is the objective. This means that they can portray an ordinary thing so negatively that it may force people to think or act in quite the opposite way.

When viewed by the vulnerable portion of the society i.e. the children, it can have grave effects on their upbringing and thinking patterns. The media makes a lot of money with the adverts that they sell and those we are exposed to. We make our buying decisions based on the adverts we see on different avenues of the media such as TV, newspapers or magazines.

The media can sometimes go out of the way in advertising or glorifying certain issues. Usually, a bad or detrimental message is packaged in a glorious way and is made accessible to the public.

Movies that depict filthy rich thieves who dont bat an eyelid before killing someone or extorting someone and then getting away with it give entertainment to people. But at the same time, they encourages them to act in a way that promises adventure and thrill in life. This way, the media glorifies certain negative and forbidden acts.




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