Hassle to get a degree


The Mass Communication department at Kinnaird College for women is responsible for holding back masters degree of many students despite submission of their thesis. A few students who submitted their thesis months ago are still awaiting defence. No grading or marks are given for this project while degrees are held back as convocation is held once every three to four years.

This in turn is causing inconvenience to many students who wish to apply abroad or pursue MPhil or PhD. The secretary of the department head in the past had lost many research papers and had later wrongfully accused the students of not submitting their work on time.

The new policy the department has acquired is to not hand transcripts to students who had not submitted their thesis. Instead of speeding or pushing the students to submit their thesis and to quickly wrap the defence in order to timely hand them the degrees, the administration deals with students in unprofessional manner.

It not only wastes students time but also makes them question if any of their cousins or sisters should consider admission at this institute.

