The last words


Richard Holbrookes last words fighting must end in Afghanistan received media attention all over the world. When a person is on a surgical table he knows that there are only two options: survival or death. At such times all politics and diplomacy is forgotten and the person utters the truth. Mr Holbrooke was an experienced diplomat who played a major role in Vietnam and Bosnia peace process. His words reveal that he was a true American as he wanted his country to have a responsible position by stopping war and finding an amicable peace solution.

It showed that he wanted the US to get out of this quagmire as soon as possible. The other aspect of his statement also indicates that he was concerned about peace in the region. He had a deep understanding of the issue keeping in mind the history of wars in Afghanistan. He perceived what the US is missing at the moment. It seems that he was clear that political games, dividing Afghanistan or puppet government, is not the solution to enduring peace. Mr Holbrook understood the ground realities and knew that continuing war is not in favour of any country.

He had a vision and foreseen that the US exit strategy would offend neighbouring countries, the region as well as global scenario. Fighting and killing is easier but short term, peaceful efforts are difficult but have a long lasting effect. Therefore, efforts are needed to sincerely look into the issue, have a will to plan peace strategy by taking on board all the stakeholders. It is time to show respect to the last words of a man who understood the truth and revealed it so that others also try to have a vision of it.

