Media and the youth


Today, media is closely linked to youth. As it is also known as the fourth estate, it has become one of the most influential factors in today’s world and the age group that it has affected very gravely is the youth. Not only are they being subjected to various kinds of communication through media but are also very greatly influenced by it. It has affected their thinking patterns and their opinions towards various topics and subjects.

One of the most important things that media does for the youth is to keep them informed and engaged as well as it encourages them to move in the right direction. However, there are many who would insist that it has done more harm than good, especially to the youth.

Media, in today’s world, has both positive and negative implications. As far as youth is concerned one thing should be kept in mind that it depends upon the youth to reap the positive/negative outcomes from media. Media not only helps the youth to become aware of the current events but also allows them to evaluate the burning issues. The youth in any part of the world can utilise this platform to communicate their objectives.

The media has a positive role to play in moulding youth. This role is not given or authorised by anyone; the media is vested with this role by itself. Media moulds the character of citizens by providing information, education and entertainment to them. Media also acts as the forum for public discussion and debate, thus providing an opportunity for citizens to express their ideas and vent their feelings. Media provides youth not only information but also educates them on various aspects of the society pertaining to their higher studies, moral and spiritual growth and entertainment needs, among others.

A line has to be drawn between the positive and negative media impacts in the interest of our future if we want a vibrant and dynamic society.
