HRM in modern world


A few decades ago, things were much calmer than they are now. The changes are taking place on a very fast track. It has become difficult for large organisations to plan inputs to gain maximum outputs. Labour force is becoming costlier and more demanding day by day; the effects of important factors like implication of globalisation, rapid improvement in technology, diversity in various types of workforce, acute shortage of dedicated labour, both skilled and unskilled, and lack of positive involvement of employees in company affairs have resulted in major organisational changes in the leading industries.

New controlling authorities have been developed by major organisations. Human resource management (HRM) is one such potent authority. It organises the workforce, recruits them through proper selection procedures, imparts necessary training and develops the skills. The HRM also educates the workforce on the ethics of workforce, rights and legal procedures. They also ensure that employees are paid as per their market value and are given perks and fringe benefits to make them happy and comfortable in the discharge of respective duties.

The new era is based on rapid advancement in communication technology developed around the magical silicon chip, which has drastically altered the world of economics. Computers, digital electronics, sources of storing optical data and easier and more reliable means of communicating with each other have changed the concept of information, creating, storing, sharing and using it.

The HR managers have become much better equipped. In fact, they have become integrated communication centres. They now provide better facilities, give prompt decisions, can define the job in more clear details and they have strengthened communication resources with both external community and employees. The HRM plays a vital role in implementing planned improvements of the organisation, especially in relation to the workforce and the organisation which results in improved outputs.


UCP, Lahore