Point in case


The USA government was backed by UN mandate to wage war on Iraq. The USA establishment alleged that Saddam possessed WMDs. These were never found till date and Bush confessed the wrong intelligence on WMDs. However, false war was waged on Iraq to illegally occupy it. It rendered innocent Iraqis dead, permanently mutilated, orphaned, widowed and made the refugees for life. For this horrendous international crime against humanity, I would suggest the ICJ to try Bush, Chenny, Rumsfield, Condolisa Rice and all those involved in Iraq war and sentence appropriately.

Let world jurist follow this case. They should also follow the case of Afghanistan. The war was waged to chase out Osama who has not been traced till date but Afghanistan is illegally occupied, innocent Afghans have been killed, mutilated, orphaned and made refugees for life. It is again a wrong war against Talibans which has destroyed their country and spread war in Pakistan. I would again request the jurists of the world to pursue the case for crimes against humanity, false wars, illegal occupation, destroying two countries to ashes.

Obama is wasting the tax-payers money billion of dollars. Let the jurists claim an equal amount of dollars from American administration to compensate the damages of innocent Iraqi, Afghan, Pakistani civilians killed or mutilated.


Toronto, Canada