Disturbing portrayal


While everyone argues that the extremists are in a minority in this country, not many have dared taken the steps to prove that. The mischievous methods through which the religious extremists are out to prove their solidarity with Salmaan Taseers killer is shocking. Rallies are being arranged on daily basis for the support of Mumtaz Qadri where most of the people taking part do not even know what the blasphemy law is or what was the stand of the late Salmaan Taseer on the law. The message which is being presented to the outside world is not a good one.

It is disturbing to see a picture of Salmaan Taseers killer Mumtaz Qadri being kissed and garlanded while the late Governor was still being buried. This is a fact and a very worrisome one at this point. It is not only the pictures but the killer is also being praised on the internet. This is the level of intolerance and extremism our society has reached to. Instead of condemning this act on a large scale either out of fear or ignorance, our society is letting the extremist elements take the upper hand. The portrayal of the killer as a hero should be a concern to all of us.

