300 light candles, chant slogans in memory of Taseer


LAHORE – Participants condemn JAC organised vigil outside Governor House against rising extremism
JAC urge citizens not to support any hate propaganda and campaign
Demands review of laws that incite violence and violate fundamental rights
Over 300 activists and citizens joined the Joint Action Committee (JAC) for People’s Rights in a vigil in front of the Governor’s House Main Gate on Friday demanding the government to take immediate and serious action for stopping extremist tendencies forces and effectively ensure protection and security of citizens.
Incitement to violence and prompting hatred on the basis of religion has been used as a political tool since former military dictator Ziaul Haq’s time and has been further invigorated during dictatorial regime of former president General (r) Musharraf, the participants said.
They demanded effective legislation be introduced to stop such incitement to violence and militancy in the name of religion and faith. Participants also demanded review of all laws that violate fundamental human rights and provide an opportunity for extremist elements to fan sentiments, provoke violence and create fear in order to forcibly impose their views on others. They also urged all politicians and democratic forces to denounce such acts and reinforce efforts to pave way for a tolerant and equitable society. Any encouragement to such violent and militant mind sets would spell destruction of all that can relieve Pakistan of its current difficulties, internal and external.
The real issues in society were of poverty, peace and economic instability and continuity of democratic orders. Such forces of hate and violence are deliberately diverting attention and resources for real issues by prompting religious conflict in the society,
they said. JAC also noted with concern the glorification of self confessed murderer of slain Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer and demanded responsible media coverage, political discourse and public debates encouraging freedom of thought, speech and rule of law. They appealed to citizens not to support such elements by becoming a part of the hate propaganda and campaign. They said it was time that state institutions and political forces give due attention to peace prosperity and tolerance in society for progress of the nation.