Smoking and COPD


The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung disease that causes abnormal contraction in the lung airways. Excessive mucus formation, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness are all common symptoms of COPD which eventually make breathing very difficult. Furthermore, COPD worsens the elasticity of air sacs (which are tiny balloons at the end of the airways) and reduces their responsiveness to inhaling and exhaling. An extreme case of COPD could also result in respiratory failure. Cigarette smoking is one of the most dominant causes of COPD, hence smokers should in particular, be more aware about the symptoms of COPD.

Smokers are a primary target for this disease since their lung muscles are already weak and are more prone to deterioration. If COPD patients who smoke do not abstain from smoking in the future, the lethal combination of continuous smoking and COPD will eventually lead to severe lung inflammation and increases the chances of disability and even death. Symptoms of COPD are often confused with early signs of aging. Many of COPDs symptoms do overlap with common problems of growing age; however, on recognising one of these symptoms a patient should immediately consult their doctor. It is a fact that occurrence of COPD is more frequent in the 40+ age groups, but there have been exceptions with younger people getting affected as well. Did you know that apart from cancer, heart attack, AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, COPD kills on an average one person every 10 seconds? It is suggested that even the symptoms that appear benign should not be ignored.

Smokers should be extra careful about their health as even a smokers cough could be an early sign of COPD. This disease is a major reason of disability affecting the life of sufferers, and it’s the fourth leading cause of death in the world. More than 12 million people are currently diagnosed with COPD. Many more people may have the disease and not even know it.

The good news is COPD is controllable and treatable. By following an effective COPD Management Plan, patients can expect a higher standard of living for themselves. Firstly, patients must assess and monitor the disease. Patients could take the help of effective management strategies such as smoking cessation, vaccinations, rehabilitation, Spirometry testing and drug therapy (often using inhalers) to control this disease. Some patients can also opt for long-term oxygen therapy or lung transplantation if need be.

Spirometry testing is a tool to measure lung performance and frequent usage of this test enables a patient to keep vigilant check on their lung condition. Spirometry testing services are available in most of the hospitals situated in urban areas. Check for availability in hospitals near you.

COPD is the only major disease with an increasing death rate of 16% which is why it has become such a topic of concern only recently. A strict COPD Management Plan plus Spirometry testing is the most effective way to curb this disease before it worsens. Patients must realise that with little effort, quality could become a part of their lives.

