Tax-payers’ burden


People pay taxes to the state so that the government, its executive branch and law enforcement agencies provide good governance, ensure transparency, accountability and uphold rule of law and merit. Instead, what the unelected military governments in the past, or the elected civil government, such as the present setup, have given them except misery, inflation, curse of rampant corruption, denial of equal opportunities, insecurity of life, no health and basic rights.

Why was this large scale flight of capital allowed? Why were the pilferages of over Rs 600 billion annually by the FBR ignored? What could be worse than the shameful fleecing of poor law abiding hajis in a country which calls itself the Islamic Republic of Pakistan? After all, it is the PM and President who are responsible for the acts done by those they have selected to serve as DG Haj, or MD of PIA.

Why should this government place a premium on corruption and be seen appointing those with a history of financial and administrative irregularities and scams to their credit? Is the PM not aware of cases against chairman NHA, federal secretary Finance, former chairman CDA? There is a long endless list of such intentional irregularities which only tend to promote corruption.

Large scale pilferages in Defence Procurement, Railways, PIA, OGDC, TCP, Mineral Resources, KPT, NLC deals have compromised our capacity to strengthen our defence capability and invest in promotion of socio-economic development. Our education and health sector is suffering because of lack of funds while no attempt is made to curtail corruption and punish those caught robbing the state, or its people.

Is it not the responsibility of the executive headed by the PM and President to ensure that they appoint the best, most qualified and honest professionals to serve as heads of state owned corporations and organizations that serve the public? Has the Executive not failed in discharging its responsibility to hold accountable those responsible for pilferages, corruption and negligence of duties? There is no law which requires that these dishonest individuals continue at their assignments till the Supreme Court directs the executive to do otherwise. This is gross dereliction of duty by elected executive and subversion of the constitution and their oath of office.

