Pakistan unemployed


The poverty in Pakistan increased from 2 percent in 1990-91 to 35 percent in 1998-99. If this is not discouraging enough; the number of poor as per government criteria, increasing at the rate of nearly 6 million per year now touches almost 58 million. Pakistans labour force is growing at the rate of 2.4 percent, and the unemployment rate is mind boggling percent.

Pakistan produces 445,000 university graduates and an additional 10,000 computer science graduates a year. What will these graduates do when they come into the job market is any one’s guess?

The inflation rate in Pakistan was last reported at 12.69 percent in June of 2010. From 2003 until 2010, the average inflation rate in Pakistan was 10.15 percent reaching an historical high of 25.33 percent in August of 2008.

Clearly the trajectory of events is looking bleak and nose diving. Lack of income and jobs and opportunities spell disaster and the steady out of control inflation rate doesn’t help.

The inflation is expected to grow in leaps after the devastating floods wiping out one third of the crops. The flood relief has been at snail pace. This will mark a huge after-effect since the flood hit land will not be cultivated in time for the next crops. Agrarian economy is usually not so dependable since it needs water and many other unstable environmental and financial factors can affect it too.

The media and politicians are not even addressing this grave issue. Debates and bickering on constitutional amendments and that of who should rule fill the airwaves when in fact the most important policy matters go unattended.

I dont remember a single senator or parliamentarian discussing a vision for Pakistan for year 2020 let a lone 2015.

Why do we have a government in Pakistan? Oh yeah, to fleece the common man. Yeah, thats right.

