Election reforms


There is urgent need to reform the prevailing election system because the present system has failed to provide the competent political leadership. In the present system, only those with huge amount of money can participate in the election and can become representative of the people. It is known fact that about 60 % of the registered voters are not casting their vote. So the majority of peoples are having no representatives in the assemblies.

I think at least two reform are immediately required so that the real representatives of the people can be elected to represent them in the national and provincial assemblies. The first reform should be to make the voting compulsory of the registered voters. The second reform is to have proportional representation system for the national and provincial assemblies seats.

The voters should cast their vote to the political parties instead of voting for the personality and independent candidates. The political parties will nominate their members on the basis of number of votes it has for the national and provincial assemblies. The political party having more votes will have more members in the assemblies. By adopting this scheme, the political parties will becomes strong and the politics of issue will flourished. Those who will be nominated by the political parties in the assemblies will do the real work of making the laws for the benefit of the people, instead of sleeping away in the assemblies and having funds to develop roads, supply of gas and other civic works in their constituencies, which actually should be the responsibility of local governments.

Without changing the present election system there will be no chance of changing the status quo or stopping the adventurer generals to take over the country. The democracy will only be strengthened if the political parties will be organized and have no personality cult in the party. These reforms will also discourage the hereditary politics, monopoly of feudal families and industrialists in the politics.

