Blow your horn


There is so much news and debate these days about the economic crisis of Pakistan and the dwindling foreign reserves. It makes me sick when Im out on the roads and see these expensive luxury sedans and four wheel drives with green license plates. These cars are worth nothing short millions of rupees if not more. Why, in the name of God, would the government, that complains of no funds, buy such expensive cars? A million dollar question is where all this money comes from to buy these sedans.

Hats off to the Chief Justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry, a true champion of the cause of independent judiciary and an honest man. I appeal to him that it hurts the nation when we see government officials driving expensive vehicles with green license plates in Pakistan.

A country that is unable to provide safe drinking water to 40%-60% of its people, among many other things, cannot afford to buy these expensive automobiles. The judges too, get expensive cars with special license plates. Is justice really that expensive? Let the cars be non air-conditioned so that they can see, hear and feel what the general population does.

I urge all the Pakistanis to please blow your horn when you see an expensive sedan bearing green license plates on the roads. Let it be known to the car occupants that they just blew away more than a million of our hard earned money on a car when the money should have been spent on education, creating jobs, decreasing poverty, housing, etc. I believe this is not a violation of law that goes into buying these cars, so I will blow my horn as long at I want. Let us be a concerned and voicing nation as opposed to silently complacent nation.

Ahmad A
