Trial and error


The recent testimony and public humiliation of Congressman Charles Rangel on 18 Nov 2010, by the US House of Representative Standards & Ethics Committee was telecast live by all major US television networks. There was no breach of privilege cited, nor any call for in-camera trial; the elected representative from New York had to face the trial in public. This is what real democracy is all about; where those elected have to adhere to a stricter code of ethics and are answerable to the people for any transgressions.

Congressman Rangel who is 80 years old, has a distinguished elected public service record of over 40 years and was a Korean War veteran, apart from his key role in the civil rights movement. He was recently elected for his 21st term of office as a member of the House from NY. Yet none of this prevented him from being scrutinized when allegations were leveled against him for violation of ethics and rules for elected members of the Congress and House of Representatives. He had to step down from his post of Chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, tasked to oversee the tax returns of elected members of the House.

Rangel was found guilty of 11 of the 12 allegations for violation of ethics and rules set for elected members. The charges are range from his financial disclosures from 1998 to 2008, misuse of a vacant residential apartment complex for election campaign purposes, misuse of his congressional stationary and postage for his campaign, to providing more funds than were considered appropriate to a college in his constituency. These allegations relate to being over zealous and sloppy in discharge of his duties but do not point out to any personal gains and corruption, but all the same are violation of a code of ethics and morality that all public representatives have to adhere to. Representative Zoe, Chairman of the Standards & Ethics Committee stated that public office is a public trust, which cannot be allowed to be compromised because this would erode the credibility of the institution. Congressman Rangel was recommended for censure by the House Committee, which recommendation will now go before the House for further action. In the past 40 years there have been 16 such instances where a member of the House has been tried for violation of ethics and rules. There can be no democracy and good governance without any accountability. Compare this to the more serious blatant charges of corruption against our elected public office holders in Pakistan, which are more serious and relate to outright rampant corruption. The charges against Congressman Rangel would pale in comparison to charges of corruption against our elected and paid public servants such as the heist in the Rental Power, NICL, Pakistan Railways, PIA, NHA, PASSCO, TCP, military procurements, Land Mafia Scams, KPT, Agosta Submarine kickbacks, SGS kickbacks etc. Yet, we call ourselves the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.


Illinois, USA